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Now Available
All Ages

$40 per Hour and Up
Start playing and even writing your own music!
What are you inspired to do?, Learn to sound like your favorite artist?, 
Just strum for fun?,
Write the original songs you have in you?

No Pressure Approach, Engage your own Creative Process

Ive helped beginners get started on the guitar and quickly tapping into deeper creativity
Be the ARTIST and MUSICIAN you are capable of becoming!

I have decades of experience playing, writing and performing music on guitar and other instruments. I believe that everyone has more creative potential, and capacity to feel the creative expression of playing music than we allow ourselves to cultivate. Together, we'll go over some basic guitar skills. You and your loved ones will soon be off making music on your own because you have real creative potential... Whether you want to begin writing all your own original material, or play just for fun, Ill get you started in person, or remote, and you'll be playing music with the radio, or perhaps even get YOUR SONG on the radio!

CONTACT Eric at DANCEfight Media for more Info

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